
Upgrading RazorEngine.

Upgrading to 4.x.

While Razor 4 is still beta we do not recommend upgrading to 4.x on production systems. 4.x releases will have the same features/API of 3.x releases but will use Razor-4 instead of Razor-2 and Razor-3. Some obsolete APIs will be removed so see the Upgrading to 3.5.0 guide.

Razor 4 changed quite a bit of its internals, see https://github.com/aspnet/Razor/releases for a complete list of changes.

Some important changes hitting RazorEngine users:

Upgrading to 3.5.0.

First of all 3.5.0 should be fully (binary) backwards compatible with 3.4.x releases. So if you have bugs after upgrading (missing method exceptions etc.) please open an issue!

All documentation is now based on the latest API. If you find the need for documentation please consider upgrading. To give you time to adapt we will support the old API in the 3.x releases. An obsolete warning means that this API will be removed (possibly already in 4.x!), but stays in the 3.x releases. Here are some suggestions and bad practices you should get rid of after upgrading to 3.5.0:

Upgrade to the new API.

Here are the biggest changes:

  • Instead of using the static Razor class use Engine.Razor

  • ITemplateService is now replaced by IRazorEngineService

    • new TemplateService(*) is now replaced by RazorEngineService.Create(*)

    • new IsolatedTemplateService(*) is now replaced by IsolatedRazorEngineService.Create(*)

  • ITemplateResolver is now replaced by ITemplateManager (see separate section).

  • The Caching API can now be replaced by implementing ICachingProvider and caching depends on the template-key and the model-type used for compilation.

    In previous versions RazorEngine would throw subtle exceptions when different types are used for the same template. This can happen in different scenarios (for example multiple templates with the same layout but different types). Note just because it just works with 3.5.0 you probably don't want to compile templates (Layouts or Includes) multiple times (as compiling is pretty slow compared to just running). Your application probably runs faster with using dynamic instead of multiple compiles. This can reverse when you run a compiled template very often, you could be faster by compiling the layout multiple times with static types. You can kind of revert to the old behavior by providing an ICachingProvider implementation that throws when someone tries to compile a template multiple times with different types.

The new IRazorEngineService interface, which replaces the old ITemplateService interface has a lot of extension methods which can be summarized:

You need to open the RazorEngine.Templating namespace to be able to use the extension methods.

  • Parse is now called RunCompile

  • The default methods (Run, Compile and RunCompile) have ITemplateKey and TextWriter parameters.

    • TextWriter parameters allow to stream the output into a TextWriter. If you just want the output as string there is an extension method without the TextWriter parameter and a string return type.

    • ITemplateKey specifies the key of the template. The meaning of ITemplateKey depends on the concrete ITemplateManager implementation (see below). The default implementation only uses the name (a simple string) of the template for resolving.

      By default resolving will always fail if the template was not added with AddTemplate.

      You almost always want to use the extension methods which have a string parameter instead of an ITemplateKey parameter.

      You only really need the ITemplateKey overload when you have a resolver which loads nested templates (includes/layouts) in another way as global templates, but you want to precompile some nested templates. For example to precompile a layout you would use the IRazorEngineService.GetKey method with a parameter of ResolveType.Layout to get the ITemplateKey instance and then use this instance to call the Compile method.

  • There are more extension methods (for Compile and RunCompile) which take an additional ITemplateSource parameter. Those methods just call IRazorEngineService.AddTemplate beforehand.

    You need to open the RazorEngine.Templating namespace to be able to use the extension methods.

    • for every (extension) method taking a ITemplateSource parameter there is another extension method which takes a simple string (the source code of the template). Those will simply call the ITemplateSource overload with new LoadedTemplateSource(templateSource).

      To improve debugging you should use new LoadedTemplateSource(templateSource, templateFile) instead (see the debugging section in the Quickstart tutorial).

  • AddTemplate also has the above extension methods (to specify ITemplateKey or ITemplateSource via string).

  • modelType now has to be specified explicitly on all methods. null means we compile the model with dynamic if applicable.

    In previous releases we tried to figure out the modelType from the given model. However sometimes you want to use a static instance but compile the template with dynamic (to prevent multiple compilations for example). You can now do that by specifing null. Another thing you can do now is specify a base type instead of the given instance type and then use the compiled template for multiple sub-type instances.

    The parameter will be ignored for compilation when the template has a @Inherits or a @model directive.

    The parameter could be used by the caching layer, so make sure you use the same type instance every time to prevent re-compilations. Caching is another reason why this parameter now always has to be specified.

    The modelType parameter must be null for anonymous types (and therefore dynamic will be used). Using model.GetType() is not possible with anonymous types as the compiler generated classes are marked as internal.

Use ITemplateManager or add all your templates before usage.

If you can you should resolve your templates via an ITemplateManager implementation (see the Quickstart tutorial) and convert your exisiting ITemplateResolver implementations to the new interface.

This way you can get rid of all IRazorEngineService extension methods with an templatesource (string and ITemplateSource) parameter, which will simplify your code.

If you want to have the template-source-code within your application-source-code for some reason you should call AddTemplate on app-startup and again get rid of all methods with a templatesource (string and ITemplateSource) parameter.

The extensions methods with a templatesource (string and ITemplateSource) parameter are provided to get started with RazorEngine very quickly. But they could block you in the long run when you want a ITemplateManager implementation with a AddTemplate method that throws NotSupportedException.

Code examples

For example

var result = Razor.Parse(razorTemplate, model, cache_name)

is now either (when the modeltype is known or you want to precompile on startup)

// Once at startup (not required when using an ITemplateManager which knows how to resolve cache_name)
Engine.Razor.AddTemplate(cache_name, razorTemplate)
// On startup
Engine.Razor.Compile(cache_name, typeof(MyModel) /* or model.GetType() or null for 'dynamic'*/)

// instead of the Razor.Parse call
var result = Engine.Razor.Run(cache_name, typeof(MyModel) /* or model.GetType() or null for 'dynamic'*/, model)

or (when you want lazy compilation, like Parse)

// Once at startup (not required when using an ITemplateManager which knows how to resolve cache_name)
Engine.Razor.AddTemplate(cache_name, razorTemplate)
// instead of the Razor.Parse call
var result = Engine.Razor.RunCompile(cache_name, typeof(MyModel) /* or model.GetType() or null for 'dynamic'*/, model)

The semantic equivalent one-liner would be (only to be used to get started with RazorEngine quickly):

// This will just call AddTemplate for you (every time), note that the ITemplateManager has to support AddTemplate
// and it has to handle multiple calls to AddTemplate gracefully to make this work.
// The default implementation will throw an exception when you use the same cache_name for different templates.
var result = Engine.Razor.RunCompile(razorTemplate, cache_name, model.GetType() /* typeof(MyModel) or or null for 'dynamic'*/, model)

Mono support

If you need support on the mono platform you should provide a IReferenceResolver implementation (see the Quickstart tutorial).

Roslyn support (beta)

See the Roslyn support page (on the right).

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